Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It’s been a while since I have last updated my Blog. I have been so busy with work that I haven’t had a chance to do any personal stuff not even a doodle for Illustration Friday.

We have only been given about 3 weeks to create an animation for A big company, so this includes storyboarding, creating new and old characters and animating.
If I wasn’t having so much fun with it, I probably would have lost it by now!

We have hired extra animators to help us with this project and I have learnt a thing or two about creating Fluppets.
One time saver is to create individual body parts and turn them into symbols (which I have been doing for some time now)

Then gathering say all different leg shapes and placing them in a new graphic symbol, along the timeline.

This means that I can work with this body part and when I need a different movement , instead of swapping the graphic symbol for another, I can simply change the single frame number accordingly!

I should have a link to the finished animations sometime next week... if I survive ;)



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